Lawyers for neighborhood equality and housing opportunity
Our law firm helps communities of color fight for safe, equitable, healthy neighborhoods by eliminating hazards, risks, and inequitable conditions in traditionally neglected, underserved segregated neighborhoods,
We advocate for inclusive communities where all families can access non-segregated neighborhoods.

HNLP seeks remedies for racial segregation impacting housing and neighborhoods such as:
Low-income neighborhoods of color with egregiously unequal neighborhood living conditions caused by racial and ethnic segregation and discrimination.
The barriers to affordable housing erected by cities prevent racially and ethnically inclusive communities. These exclusionary practices function to keep out persons of color from obtaining housing in white neighborhoods.
The Housing and Neighborhood Law Project lawyers work to help the residents of racially and ethnically concentrated communities who choose to challenge public and private actions that maintain the racial segregation and unequal conditions. This includes legal challenges to zoning policies, locations of industrial uses in or near residential neighborhoods, provision of unequal municipal services, environmental inequality, and overconcentration of poverty housing with no revitalization resources.
The Housing and Neighborhood Law Project lawyers work to remove exclusionary barriers for low-income persons of color to have affordable housing choice.
The firm only accepts clients seeking systemic change for racial segregation. If you believe you have been the individual victim of housing discrimination, please contact your local fair housing agency.
The Housing and Neighborhood Law Project has prepared these materials on this web site for informational purposes only. These materials are not legal advice. The web site does not constitute legal advice. This information is not intended to create, and receipt of it does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. Materials on this web site are not intended as, and do not constitute, the solicitation of any particular client.